SRI MALOLAN COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCE – (Affiliated to University of Madras), Mocheri Road, Madurantakam, Chengalpattu District – 603306




Date                                        :24/02/2024

Place of Visit                          : MORDEN BAKERS (MADHAVARAM)

No. of Students Benefited     :96 Students


The objective of the industrial visit to Morden Bakers is to provide students with a practical understanding of the operations and processes involved in a modern bakery. The visit aims to enhance their knowledge about the production, packaging, quality control, and distribution of bakery products. Additionally, it also aims to expose students to the latest technology and machinery used in the baking industry.


The industrial visit to Morden Bakers can have several outcomes for the students. Some possible outcomes include:

  1. Practical Knowledge: Students will gain practical knowledge about the operations and processes involved in a modern bakery. They will have the opportunity to see firsthand how bakery products are produced, packaged, and distributed.
  2. Understanding of Quality Control: Students will learn about the quality control measures implemented in the bakery to ensure that the products meet the required standards. They will gain insights into the importance of maintaining hygiene and food safety in a bakery setting.
  3. Exposure to Technology: The visit will expose students to the latest technology and machinery used in the baking industry. They will have the opportunity to see advanced baking equipment and learn about their functionalities.
  4. Career Insights: The visit can provide students with valuable insights into the career opportunities available in the bakery industry. They can learn about the different roles and responsibilities in a bakery and the skills required to work in this field.
  5. Networking Opportunities: Students may have the chance to interact with professionals working in the bakery industry during the visit. This can create networking opportunities and open doors for future internships or job opportunities.
  6. Enhanced Classroom Learning: The visit can complement the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom by providing practical examples and real-life applications. Students can relate their classroom learning to the actual operations they observe during the visit.
  7. Motivation and Inspiration: The visit may inspire and motivate students to explore the field of bakery and food production further. It can ignite their passion for culinary arts and encourage them to pursue related careers or entrepreneurship opportunities.

Overall, the industrial visit to Morden Bakers can provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the bakery industry, enhance their practical skills, and inspire them to pursue careers in this field.


A group of 96 students from Sri Malolan College of Arts and Science, Madurantakam, recently embarked on an industrial visit to Modern Bakers in Madhavaram. Modern Bakers, a well-known company in the bakery sector, is recognized for its exceptional products and cutting-edge techniques.

The visit provided the students with a unique opportunity to witness the practical aspects of the bakery industry. They were able to observe and understand the entire production process, starting from the sourcing of raw materials to the final packaging and distribution stages. This firsthand experience allowed the students to gain valuable insights into the intricacies of the bakery business.

Additionally, the students had the chance to interact with the knowledgeable staff at Modern Bakers. They were able to engage in conversations and ask questions about the company’s operations, roles and responsibilities, and industry best practices. These interactions further enhanced the students’ understanding of the bakery industry and its various aspects.

Furthermore, the visit emphasized the significance of quality control and adherence to hygiene standards in the food industry. The students witnessed the company’s strict adherence to safety protocols and cleanliness measures, which left a lasting impression on their minds.

In conclusion, the industrial visit to Modern Bakers in Madhavaram was a highly informative and enriching experience for the 96 students from Sri Malolan College of Arts and Science. It not only provided them with practical exposure to the bakery industry but also gave them valuable insights into the operations of a renowned company.

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